Backdrops (a.k.a. Backgrounds or Wallpaper) are images used to decorate your Desktop. Most any image (in most any location) may be used. But, a Desktop will look it’s best when the backdrop is the same aspect ratio as the display; HD (16:10), Standard (4:3), Widescreen (16:9), or UltraWide (21:9), or Super UltraWide (32:9)…
To change the Backdrop, right-click the Desktop and choose Desktop Settings…
Choose the Backdrop location from the Folder: drop down menu. To choose a location not listed, choose Other…
Organized by Aspect Ratio and Resolution, 150 photographs from Australia, Barbados, the Bahamas, Canada, Denmark, Guyana, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Malta, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Singapore, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, and the United States of America show off some of God’s creation at /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops
Images were re-sized and / or cropped to fit the following common display dimensions:
HD | Standard | Widescreen |
1920×1080 2560×1440 2880×1620 3360×1890 3840×2160 5120×2880 | 800×600 1024×768 1280×960 1600×1200 1920×1440 2048×1536 2560×1920 3200×2400 5120×3840 | 1680×1080 1920×1200 2560×1600 2880×1800 3360×2100 3840×2400 5120×3200 |
Photographs from collections at GoodFreePhotos, Pixabay, StockSnap and Unsplash. Photo attributions: /usr/share/doc/c4c-backdrops/README
The final backdrop contains a solid color or gradient, with the image composited on top. Choose Solid color, Horizontal gradient, Vertical gradient or Transparency from the Color: drop down menu.
The Style: drop down allows the selection of None for no style, or for the image to be Centered, Tiled, Stretched, Scaled or Zoomed
Check Change the background to have the system cycle through all the images in a folder in seconds, minutes, hours, at startup, every hour, every day, or chronologically (and / or randomly with another check box selection)
Thousands more Backdrops / Backgrounds / Wallpapers are available online
Christian Wallpaper Online | Believers4Ever, Christian Gifs, Christian Wallpaper Free, ChristiansUnite, CrossCards Scripture Verses Wallpaper, Edenpics, Free King James, The Glory Site, Heartlight Gallery, John Bell’s Art Gallery, KJV Bible Wallpapers, Pixabay, prayer coach, Shared Worship Background, The Swordbearer, WallpapersCristaos, Wallpaper4God